Saturday, April 27, 2013

Please help stop the slaughter of turtles in Bali

Please help stop the slaughter of turtles in Bali by signing these two petitions on Change.Org.
Each signature will be sent to the Governor of Bali and the Bali Tourist Board directly.
The slaughter is illegal under Government  Act No 7/1999, which prohibits the killing and trading  Sea Turtles !!
Sadly, the issue is now rising its ugly head again. In January 2013, local newspapers reported that the illegal turtle trade has returned, which has also been confirmed by local animal and environment protection organisations. These proves that the protection offered in Bali is totally insufficient and that the police are not pursuing violations against Act No 7/1999, which prohibits the killing of and dealing with sea turtles, and against the CITES regulations that prohibits the trade of turtle products.
The killing of these magnificent creatures is a GRUESOME, BARBARIC process!
The turtle's plastron is sliced and ripped open, the internal organs are being removed, blood is scooped out, and the head cut off. During this entire massacre, the poor turtle is alive and struggling in pain!
See video (Warning: VERY GRAPHIC):
Please speak up for Sea Turtles and sign our petition. By signing this petition, the message that you can read below will be sent instantly to the Government's Office in Bali as well as the Tourim Board of Bali.
 There are two petitions, one organized by PRO-FAUNA Indonesia and SOS-SEATURTLES, and the other by Occupy for Animals.  Please sign both and support the end of the turtle trade.  Thank you!

Links to the two Petitions:

SOS Seaturtles, Bali campaign
Occupy for Animals, Bali campaign
Thank you!

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